We Want To Help
Call Now and Get the Facts
for Mom's, Dad's and all Caretakers

Becoming a Parent...
How do I know if I'm
I am interested in learning to become a Dad, but I have not had experience with being a parent
What are the first steps I should take to be support to the mother of my child?
RPC has supportive Parenting Classes to help prospective parents learn about the joys, challenges and support needed to welcome the newborn into your lives.
Missed period. If you're in your childbearing years and a week or more has passed without the start of an expected menstrual cycle, you might be pregnant.
Tender, swollen breasts.
Nausea with or without vomiting.
Increased urination.

Our 2018-2019 Bottle Program is in full swing! If your church or organization is interested in becoming a sponsor for a Bottle Drive please contact RPC at 760 347 7072
What you can do to help.
Pray for our clients, volunteers, staff and leaders.
Volunteer at the Center.
Promote and participate in our fundraising events.
Financially support the Center's many programs.
Donate new or gently used maternity and baby items.
Be a liaison contact at your church.
Publish articles and announcements in you church and all social media platforms.
Arrange for a speaker to do a presentation at your church or civic group.
Have your church or organization support RPC a weekend, a week or more for the 2018-2019 RPC Bottle Drive.
For Info,
For Help or Volunteer...
We need your help!!! It's easy and almost everyone can do something. Contact us today- you can make a Difference!!!
Free pregnancy Tests
Free mentoring and Earn While you Learn (EWYL)
Free Prenatal education & Parenting classes
Teen School pProgram - Above the Influence (ATI)
Refuge Pregnancy Center is a resource center devoted to education and coming along side women to be a loving encouragement in their time of need

What RPC is About
Earn While You Learn
is a program that has changed many lives for the better. This program offers hope and help to those who need it most; helping our clients to become better parents.
During this 6-8 week program, our advocates mentor parents, helping them to set life goals, while preparing them with the skills and tools necessary for a positive and succesful future.
Mom's and Dad's can sign up for a series of Birthing, Breastfeeding and Infant Care classes
This is a 3 week series of 1hr per class.
Classes are taught by a certified childbirth Educator/RN
Childbirth Classes
Need Help with Breastfeeding?
We offer Pre- and Post- Pregnancy Breastfeeding Support by a Certified Lactation Consultant/RN
Breastfeeding Classes
Baby Boutique
​Our boutique is available to parents enrolled in our Earn While You Learn program.
Baby Bucks earned while in the program, can be used in the boutique to purchase baby clothes and accessories..
Is an in-school community program encouraging abstinence and healthy relationships

Please complete this form if you would like to volunteer or if you would like us to contact you.
Telephone: 760-347-7072
Office Hours
Mon - Wed: 12pm - 4pm